HomePowercor regulatory reset 2026-2031
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Powercor regulatory reset 2026-2031

Powercor regulatory reset 2026-2031

Our network plays an essential role in our customers’ daily lives so it’s critical that our investments meet their expectations and respond to our changing environment, while keeping costs down.

To prepare for the 2026-2031 regulatory reset, we’ve spent the past four years speaking to more than 8,700 customers to understand what matters most to you. The result is a five-year plan that delivers what you want.

Get involved in the Powercor Regulatory Reset

Stay up to date on the development on our 2026-2031 regulatory proposal at Engage Powercor. Register for email updates for the latest news and to find out about future opportunities to have your say.

What you've told us

Over the past four years, we’ve spoken to more than 8,700 customers to understand what matters most to you. You told us you want:

  • Reliability, safety and resilience: to stay connected with uninterrupted and safe electricity supply that can withstand extreme weather.
  • Affordability and equity: everyone to have access to the electricity supply they value, regardless of where they live or work.
  • Energy transition: to shift towards more sustainable energy sources and practices for a cleaner future.

What we're proposing

Draft proposal documents