Reconnecting after a fault

Outages and emergenciesReconnecting after a fault form

Power not restored after an outage?

If you have received an SMS or email and power has not been restored due to a customer side defect the information below may be relevant.

We work 24/7 to deliver you a safe and reliable electricity supply. If your connection to the electricity network doesn’t meet safety standards, we may not be able to reconnect your supply until repairs are completed.

You may also be issued with a defect notice. A defect notice means that the electricity supply to your property has become defective and requires your attention to have it rectified.

Common types of defects are:

  • faulty or damaged switchboard
  • point of attachment issues such as unsecured cables or damage caused by weather or corrosion.
  • trees contacting powerlines.

Once repairs are completed, we will reconnect your supply free of charge.

Getting reconnected

Engage a licensed electrician. You can search for a licensed electrician based on location on the Energy Safe Victoria website.

A licensed electrician will:

  • complete a safety and compliance inspection
  • issue a Certificate of Electrical Safety and send it to or (if you do not know your distributor, use our postcode locator)
  • arrange the reconnection directly with us on your behalf by calling Powercor 13 24 12 or CitiPower 13 12 80