There will be no increase in our network charges due to this project. In fact, over time, we expect neighbourhood batteries like this will actually help reduce network charges for all customers by reducing the need for more costly network works.
Powercor has installed a neighbourhood battery in the growing suburb of Tarneit supported by a Federal Government grant under the Community Batteries for Household Solar Program. The western suburb’s location is experiencing high rooftop solar and almost 1 in 2 homes currently have a system installed.
The site selected is the north-west corner of Gleneagles Avenue Park, Tarneit. The location experiences high electricity demand, high solar uptake and some network constraints. It will provide benefits to up to 170 homes connected to this part of the network, whether they have solar or not.
A neighbourhood battery offers an innovative way of storing energy that allows communities to share power and use it when it is needed. It also helps our network to operate efficiently. The batteries are a popular way for households to save energy costs and support the environment.
This project is being managed in collaboration with our partner the Wyndham City Council. The project is also supported by grant funding under the Victorian Government’s Neighbourhood Battery Initiative.
Picture: (left to right), Greg Hannan, Head of Network Strategy and Non Network Solutions, CEO Tim Rourke, and Farshad Charmchi, Senior Engineer, Non Network Solutions.
The battery works by charging at times of the day when there is low electricity demand or when local rooftop solar systems are exporting into our network. The stored power can then be made available to the local neighbourhood later in the day when it is needed and when solar systems are no longer generating.
The peak times when most people are using power from our network are between 3pm and 9pm, Monday to Friday.
The ground-mounted community battery is about the size of a small electric car, like a Nissan Leaf. It’s approximately 4.5m long, 1.8 wide and 1.5m high. All the components of the battery are housed in one unit.
We expect the battery to have a life of around 15 years. After that, we will look to replace, repurpose or recycle the unit in line with an end-of-life plan.
There will be no change to your solar feed-in tariff rates with your respective energy retailer as a result of the battery being installed.
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