As more Victorians install rooftop solar, we are changing the way we operate our network. From 1 October 2024, new and upgrading solar customers are required to install a system that allows solar exports to be remotely reduced or for generation to be stopped if there’s an excess of energy in the network.
Our customers’ desire for a cleaner energy future has resulted in one of the largest uptakes of rooftop solar in Australia. During the day, all that solar provides abundant, low-cost energy for all consumers. But on occasions when demand for energy is low, this abundance can create imbalances in the electricity network.
To manage the risk of these events, the Victorian Government is requiring CitiPower and Powercor to develop new ways to manage exports and generation from rooftop solar systems.
This capability, known as an emergency backstop, is being introduced in two stages. Stage 1 was activated in October 2023 for systems larger than 200kVA. Stage 2 will apply on our networks from 1 October 2024 and cover systems up to 200kVA.
This will help us to provide a secure, reliable supply of energy to all customers and allow more renewable energy to connect to the network.
This will help us to provide a secure, reliable supply of energy to all customers and allow more renewable energy to connect to the network.