Annual Notification 2024

Each year we send out an Annual Notification, providing an update on our performance and service, so you know how we're tracking.

Powercor to deliver western Victorian customers a stronger and safer power network

Media release: Mammoth network investment no replacement for being prepared

Powercor’s response to Energy Safe Victoria court case

We welcome yesterday’s decision by Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) to no longer pursue five of the six charges in relation to the 2018 south west fires.

Media release: Major upgrade supports more rooftop solar for Melbourne’s inner suburbs

Solar customers in Melbourne’s inner suburbs can now share more of their power after a major works program by electricity distributor CitiPower.

9.45am Update: Power outages across Victoria’s northern and western region

4pm Update: Power outages across Victoria’s northern and western region

Update – Power outages in across Victoria’s west and Melbourne’s inner suburbs

Media release: Powercor takes action to improve power reliability near Ballarat

Detailed patrols of the power network located north east of Ballarat are underway as part of electricity distributor Powercor’s ongoing program to improve reliability and prepare for summer.

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