Solar installers

Industry partnersSolar installers

Installing the right hardware and configuring it correctly allows customers to get the most from their solar systems. This page explains the connection process, lists hardware approved to be connected to our network, and shows how installations can comply with the Victorian Government’s emergency backstop requirements.

Steps to connection

All new, upgrading and replacement rooftop solar systems with 200kVA of capacity or less must be emergency backstop enabled. To be emergency backstop enabled, a solar system must be able to communicate using the Common Smart Inverter Profile Australia (CSIP-AUS) technology protocol and be connected to the internet.

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Before you go


  • Consult with the customer regarding their requirements and explain the solar installation process.
  • Check the Clean Energy Council website for approved CSIP-AUS ready inverters and software communication clients.
  • Check our list of onboarded inverters.
  • Confirm the customer has a reliable internet connection.
Application and offer
  • Check with the manufacturer to make sure you have the required hardware for the installation, including an export limiting meter.
  • Submit a pre-approval application via eConnect and ensure it’s in an approved and valid state before attending the site.
  • Advise customer of the outcome.

While on site


  • Install an approved CSIP-AUS solar inverter and export limiting meter as per the manufacturer’s installation guide.
  • Ensure the device has the latest firmware. Check the inverter is set to Region A settings AS4777.2.2020 .
  • Configure the inverter and associated equipment to the customer’s internet.


  • Register the customer’s solar inverter via the manufacturer’s app.
  • Create and verify a Long Form Device Identifier (LFDI) for the inverter.
  • Confirm successful registration with CitiPower or Powercor.

Test and close out


  • Ensure the system is generating at least 500W before starting the test.
  • Initiate the capability test (takes about 10 minutes).
  • Confirm capability test is successful.

Close out

  • Arrange for a Licensed Electrical Inspector (LEI) to inspect and approve the installation.
  • Submit the alteration in eConnect and attach the Certificate of Electrical Safety (CoES).
  • After the solar alteration request has been completed and paperwork validated by CitiPower/Powercor, the DER will be registered and confirmed. Only then will the approved export limit be activated.

Support and assistance

Our New Energy Services team are the first point of contact for solar installers.

Contact them at or on 1800 772 940 (8am-4pm, Monday to Friday).


    Solar pre-approval resources

    Detailed guides on how to submit pre-approval requests to connect rooftop solar to the network via eConnect.

      CitiPower only documents

        Powercor only documents