Existing single occupancy embedded network

Industry partnersEmbedded networksExisting single occupancy embedded network

These sites are not Greenfield sites as they are already connected to supply and already have an existing meter in place which will become the parent meter. They also differ from Brownfield multiple occupancy sites as there is only a single occupancy customer currently existing.

In this process, an existing single occupancy meter/NMI is updated as a Parent NMI. The Embedded Network Manager (ENM) will create NMI’s for down-stream Embedded Network Children, once the agreed go live date has occurred and the Parent Meter identification and Embedded Network code has been published by CitiPower and Powercor.

The diagram explains the process flow of establishing an existing single occupancy embedded network site.

An infographic diagram explains the process flow of establishing an existing single occupancy embedded network site.

Becoming an Exempt Embedded Network Service Provider (EENSP)

Electricity is supplied to End Users in an embedded network by an EENSP.

Under section 13 of the National Electricity Law anyone who owns, controls or operates a distribution system must either be:

  •  registered with AEMO (Australian Energy Market operator) as an NSP (Network Service Provider); or
  • exempted from the requirement to be an NSP by the AER (Australian Energy regulator).

Anyone seeking exemption from the requirement to register as an NSP must apply to the AER. If the exemption is granted, that person becomes an EENSP.

To assist potential applicants for exemption, the AER has published an Electricity Network Service Provider Registration Exemption Guideline (Guideline), which is available at:  aer.gov.au 

Appointing an Embedded Network Manager (ENM)

You may require an ENM to be appointed. The ENM role was introduced under the AEMC’s (Australian Energy Market Commission) Power of Choice reforms.

For more information on the role of the ENM is available on the  AEMO  website.

Submitting a Request

Requests to set-up an Embedded Network can be made via  eConnect

Part A and Part B forms are available on our  Documents and Further Information page.