Vegetation No Go Zones
Any work within the Vegetation No Go Zone can only be completed by or on behalf of CitiPower and Powercor by trained and authorised professionals. It is illegal and dangerous for any other person to complete these works within the No Go Zone.
Please see diagram below explaining the current vegetation No Go Zone specifications and requirements to carry out work.

For private customers, before submitting a Vegetation No Go Zone request (via the enquiry form at the bottom of this page) we recommend you contact your local council as approval to cut or remove your trees is usually required.
CitiPower and Powercor will only cut vegetation to the No Go Zone specifications. Any cutting or removal of vegetation further to this is the responsibility of the land owner. It is recommended you communicate with an arborist to understand all work that will be required.
Cutting trees inside the Vegetation No Go Zone to meet customer needs is a separate task to compliance cutting.