Current regulatory period 2021-2026

Regulatory informationRegulatory ResetCurrent regulatory period (2021-2026 regulatory reset)

CitiPower and Powercor are currently operating in the 2021-2026 regulatory period. The Australian Energy Regulatory announced its final determination on the business plans for the 2021-2026 regulatory period in April 2021.

The approved plans sustain reliable, safe and affordable electricity supplies while also offering new services supporting the rapidly developing energy market. This included enabling customers to export from rooftop solar or connect batteries and electric vehicle chargers.

As a result, both the CitiPower and Powercor networks were able to offer lower network charges to customers because of improved efficiencies in the business.

2021-2026 regulatory plan highlights

  • Upgrading zone substations in and around the city as the final step in a major Melbourne CBD Security of Supply project.
  • Increasing our investment in pole replacements to improve the safety and resilience of our network.
  • Developing our network capacity to accept more exports from consumer energy resources through our solar enablement program.
  • Completing the final tranche of the Rapid Earth Fault Current Limiter rollout due to end in April 2023 and providing extra bushfire safety protection.
  • Building or upgrading zone substations in Torquay and Gherinhap to support growing demand for a two-way flow of electricity in the Bellarine Peninsula, Geelong and Melbourne’s western corridor.

The promises made in our regulatory proposal have been captured in a set of commitments to customers that now form priorities for our teams. Find out more about how we are tracking against our customer commitments.

2021-2026 regulatory documents

CitiPower documents

    Powercor documents

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