Regulatory framework

About usRegulatory informationRegulatory framework

Safety and delivery compliance

Electricity distribution is a highly regulated industry and each year, we comply with a range of licenses, codes and rules. These provide assurance that we are safely delivering the quality of services required in line with regulatory and customer expectations.

The codes and guidelines relate to the economic regulation of our businesses, our reliability, customer service, and health and safety.

Tariffs and charges

As a regulated business the tariffs and charges we apply to customers for the network services they receive are approved each year by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).

Documents and resources

    Ring fencing

    The AER has released a ring fencing guideline to ensure we do not provide an unfair advantage to our related businesses. These guidelines apply to all electricity distribution businesses.

    The AER identified three areas of potential advantage, which the guideline seeks to restrict. These are:

    • preventing us from using our revenue to support related businesses
    • ensuring we treat all businesses and customers on an equal basis; and
    • ensuring information that we provide to related businesses is also available to other businesses

    In a few specific circumstances, we have sought exemptions (‘ring fencing waivers’) from some restrictions. This will ensure we can continue to provide services to our customers without disruption.

    We have developed the following documents outlining the way in which we are complying with the guideline.

    Documents and resources

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